Bianca, your ability to take a goal and turn it into action is magic!
– JI 2022
I will remember to look after myself more after your talk today. Good work getting up and speaking your truth to strangers, something that is so impactful and personal.
– AS 2021
Bianca leads by example. She is a great coach because she does the ‘tough stuff’ she isn’t afraid to speak her fears, her failures, her truth or her heart. I have watched her transform over the years and I just love observing her from afar.
– AM 2022
You are right, mental health is everything. You made me realise that stress is a part of life. But there is always a way to take care of myself better.
– JG 2022
Bianca, you really are such an incredible person. I don’t say that lightly. All the things you have been through, you have the heart to consider others.
– AD 2022
Bianca brings an intellectual mind to every exchange, and is able to drill into purpose and brings meaning into the work we do together.
– LG 2019